Saturday, June 16, 2007


Music: Hunky Dory - David Bowie

I am seriously thinking about taking up an offer to live in Los Angeles. It'll give me the chance to get a new library card, and to meet new people. The opportunity arrives from somebody I've been e-buddies with for years through Livejournal and Myspace, each conversation consisted of me, without shame, confessing my internet love for her.

The idea came up when her current roommate (who, ironically, is from Boston) was going to move back East. There is now a chance that he will be staying, but if he does they want to move into a new place with three bedrooms. I fit in the equation regardless, and I can't see myself passing it up.

At my age, during this period of my life, it is the best change I can make. I will be able to take classes out in CA, just the same as I would if I were to stay where I am now. I'll also be able to say I've lived in Boston, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. The only logical progression from there would be to London.

The desert life is burnt out for me. I've had my cds stolen by an asian lover, I've had sex in a stolen car, I've been engaged, I've played daddy, I've been court tried.

There's no telling if the change will be permanent, but I can't see any place I live being permanent right now. I do know that if I start school out there, it'll mean that I plan on staying for a long while. There's no telling who I'll meet, or what'll happen from there.

I can see that there is an incredible group of people awaiting me in LA. Looking back at my first entry in this blog, it seems as though the last couple months have been building up to this.

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