Monday, July 9, 2007

We can be heroes...

The Greatest Daddy-Daughter combo that television ever let go.

There are few feelings as nauseating as picking up the pink and white pile of Clark Country legal papers. They contain everything from foreign signatures to her handwriting to "Five Years Months" written as our relationship length- the correction was still overestimated. Just reading an order as simple as "Stay out of trouble, and make your court appearance" seems overwhelmingly difficult- as if some cosmic occurrence or lack of gas will cause me to miss that one appointment, in turn causing me to miss food that isn't proudly referred to as "Chow."

I dialed the public defender's office today, didn't breathe or blink until the ninth ring. Now, I wait for the call back.

I can't wait until this is behind me.

Also- I got my damaged phone replaced, and my contacts were cleared. What a great feeling. I'm starting over.

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