Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This video was interesting to me, despite being everything I hate about human beings.

The phrase that annoys me more than anything, whether it be in a film or said/typed directly to me is--- "You need help". It's silly. Making complete assumptions into a persons psyche over one upsetting 'dig', consisting of maybe 11 seconds of your time. This guy above takes "You need help" to an umpteenth degree, describing complete scenarios into Charles Hamilton's life, past, mind, etc.

And he gets 40,000 views for it. (The 3 people who see it here cannot constitute what I'm doing as "Promotion" either)

Part of what bothers me about this video is the fact that I don't see anything really self-destructive in Charles' behavior. The kid's living his life. A girl punched him, he attacked soulja, stole some nobody's beat-- then released concrete proof of it, and took advantage of a dead rapper's name. All of these things just upp'ed his downloads.

All of these things were also based around getting more attention (whether or not the "punch" was staged- it was on a promotional tool's camera), so can't be events used to dicipher a man's personality.

There's something relatable about Charles Hamilton, in that he doesn't phoney it up or put on some "signed artist" image to replace who he really is. He'll bring up your abortion, he'll expose a terrible rapper.


I bet he loves that video. Not nearly as much as this (air piano):

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