Monday, January 26, 2009

She's a Femme Fatale.

This is FANTASTIC....

We Hit & Run had a week's worth of downloads yesterday. It's extremely flattering, and I don't know what to attribute it to.

Some people, who produce and write and perform their own podcast, would attribute it to themselves. But I'm gonna thank Google on this. I assume it has something to do with Feedburner and Google merging. 

So... thanks Google!

This week's total DL's are shocking. And with the 2008 rewind (my 2nd proudest piece of production) coming out this week, things should get bigger. I need to buy some adspace on podcastpickle as well.

Tomorrow morning I will most likely be on a plane to Boston. I want to do a Boston show with Zaro, Ricky, Jim, and Scarecrow. I also want us to be eating Papa Ginos during recording.

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