Friday, January 23, 2009

Different Kind Of Sparks...

Ron Bennington (01/15/2009): 

"Lets face something. When the ex fiancee wants to stop by and see you, that means "I'd like a fuck for old time sakes." Theres no other reason to make that call. What else are you gonna do, catch up and see where your lives are going? You gotta see that one coming a million miles away, and when you say you didn't you're just lying to yourself. Lying... to... yourself."

"Again, let me reiterate for people who are slow. Ex fiancees who want to have lunch are only interested in fucking. Period. They dont want to show you pictures of the kids. They're not trying to say "Hey remember the good..." That's all they care about, that's it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is not how it is at all, and you know. you said so yourself, that if that's how it was it would have happened and it didn't. so don't quote other people & say how you really feel.

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