Thursday, May 24, 2007

When Mighty Horse rocks he rocks the fat ass.

Music: Imperial Bedroom + Ron & Fez

Twenty one years old, what a milestone!

I typically don't buy into the whole "new year, empty slate" gimmick when it comes to focusing on the future. I'm more of a "year in review" type of person, where I'll look back and judge the music, the films, and occasionally savor the memories. I will not, however, set goals for a new year, or drive the streets pretending that the sun in my eyes means any less harm than it did the week before.

The sun will always be my annoying, 4.5 billion year old sibling, regardless of the date.
But, I think I'm going to turn cheese for my 21st birthday. There's just something about the number- legally, socially, and someday nostalgically. I want this year to mean something, more than the previous 20. I want to tell my future daughter about how I got my act together in 2007-2008, and finally began my life at the age of 21 (despite the fact that she'll be three years into her tenure as an outspoken Yale scholar). I'm not going to sit here and act like this age carries more responsibility than the others for any other reason than the importance I am personally placing on it. But I've always considered ambition of the self-driven variety to be the proudest, and most rewarding.

There were a lot of life changing mistakes I made last year. I like to think that I have learned from them. From my experiences and the people I've met at my current workplace- there is a clear vision of the life I don't want. I believe that's enough for me to accomplish the long term goals of the life I deserve.
The problems faced in my 20th year will bleed over, possibly into the next seven ages to come. I believe in myself... for once. I'm capable of overcoming this, and I will not allow it to alter me in a negative light. Regardless of the pain or the outcome, I will not turn into an awful person, even if I'm labeled as one. Goddamn I'd make a good Jedi.

Anyway, let the cheese begin now. Lets set some goals for age 21.
- Drink alcohol.
- Consume drugs.
- Have sex.
- Listen to Rock N' Roll.
- Go back to s c h o o l .

It helps to set the bar high. For me to put this itinerary to use I am going to need to meet the right people. I can't drink with just anybody, fuck just anybody, expose just anybody to Elvis Costello.

Nor can I major in just anything.

This year will be my On The Road, only with slightly less traveling.

I will reacquaint with my life's most important accomplices, and stay up all night with my life's future convicts. None of us are patsies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the better half of the future world's greatest radio show!

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