I feel like things took an unexpected spike up with WHAR. Something about the download numbers, the messages I've been getting, and the quality of shows since 03/28.
This birthday weekend was spectacular all around. Even Scarecrow expressed his satisfaction. The birthday get together wasn't as robust as this, but it was just as enjoyable.
Wow, looking back...
But, I think I'm going to turn cheese for my 21st birthday. There's just something about the number- legally, socially, and someday nostalgically. I want this year to mean something, more than the previous 20. I want to tell my future daughter about how I got my act together in 2007-2008, and finally began my life at the age of 21 (despite the fact that she'll be three years into her tenure as an outspoken Yale scholar).
What's that all about? I guess I can forgive myself, I didn't realize what my 21st year was actually going to consist of. That's my felon year, not my "LIFE IS NOW ROLLING" year. Then at the end of my 22nd year I gave up any care for the future and started writing about death.
Either that, ORRRR....
We Hit & Run becomes a career and I cite my 21st year as the year I turned my life around by starting the show.
Scarecrow's comment on that post (long before he was a cohost, and long after he and I came up with the concept of a show)-
Tony said...
Happy Birthday to the better half of the future world's greatest radio show!
Hannah leaves tomorrow. She gave me her fantastic bed, but when I went to pick it up with Brian it was a very odd/uncomfortable meeting. We both acknowledged it immediately after the fact. It wasn't anything about her and I, it was the addition of three people we know into what was before very private. Well, I assume that's what it was. I'm a generally uncomfortable person anyway.
Every video I've thought about embedding here seems too sentimental or not worth the time. So we'll leave it DRY!
I just checked out Storm's husband's blog, and I saw a Veronica Mars video that I've probably posted on here in the past. I had to laugh and come write. I didn't look at his blog in the same way he looked at mine, though.
Tonight we're having a birthday celebration!!!! That reminds me of the very first entry in this thing.
I looked at another blog and actually smiled and exclaimed "Oh you're being so phoney!" It feels good to view a person without the bullshit glasses on. But it feels odd to name the person in an entry, then address them a paragraph later as an anonymous blogger. Maybe I'm the phoney!!!
OH, speaking of abortions---
I love making people feel that way.
The dating game was last Sunday. Here are the Kevin Scampoli highlights (with an intense fight). I shared two spectacular days with a very wonderful person after my "victory". Crystal (the woman whose friend would become the "Bachelorette") couldn't of picked a more perfect female for this segment- anybody else and it would've gone completely differently.
The timing of everything was pretty terrible, considering she'll be in Chicago in four days.
After the show we hung out until midnight in the studio. We had a crowd of 15 sitting in the studiocam chatroom watching us listen to music and talk. According to Jim there is audio of it all.
On Thursday we showed up forty minutes late to what was possibly the last showing ever of Adventureland. The theatre was completely empty and we had both already seen the film, so we were able to talk through the movie. It had the feeling of a rented living room.
Then we went on a picnic in Pueblo park. Then I slept from 2:00am to 5:00am. Then I worked.
The next day we went out to eat, and I got to obnoxiously wear my Kanye sunglasses inside of a dim resturaunt.
I searched her iTunes library for "Elliott", so we got to hear a nice mix of Elliott Smith and Missy Elliott.
It feels good not to have an over-dramatic (even if too soon) "ending" to something. I avoided a lot of details because I feel like they deserve their own entry, and a little time of being just our's.
Logan (the dog) escaped the house two nights ago, and we nearly gave up all hope on his first night here. I found him prancing around the mailboxes, avoiding the loud, open garages.
We have no idea how long he's been on the streets. He barked today when he needed to go out back for bathroom time, which is a sign of domestication. However, he was tagless, collarless, and still has his balls.
He warmed up very quickly, but is still holding a slight grudge against me for the bath I gave him yesterday, and the little tennis balls that I toss at him (that he's scared to death of). The signs of abuse outweigh the signs of domestication.
Listen to my An Hour Of Nonsense appearance here for some dating game setup/fat face stories.
C-section scar. I call it my scar.
... plus...
Mrs. Cavities.
... plus...
I'm an ass-eater, Krystal's friends!
... plus...
And I've cried in two women's arms, so I'm in touch with my emotions.
... plus...
I've squeezed a baby's balls...
-- "Close the closet!" --
... well it was in the closet.
It's a good flow of consciousness. The dating game segment is this Sunday, I'm the bachelor.
Also, look what the nice folks over at theoandvirus.com did for me...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Posted by
5/12/2009 04:36:00 PM
... look who we found wandering the dark streets of sin city.
There are some great stories on there. While prepping and brainstorming for this Lo-Fidelity project, I was reading the Alyce Packard entries. Why did I have to annoy the shit out of that girl for years? I remember at one point I was trying to rebuild a civil relationship with her from Vegas, and her responce was
Are you dying?
I almost pulled it off before ruining it on We Hit & Run. Which, ultimately, I consider worth it. Now there are people who have sent out ALYCE PACKARD tweets based on this sounder. She is going to think I am the ultimate creep when she hears that I'm recording L-F(well, that can be said about every name involved).
There are times these days when I catch myself thinking like those teenage livejournal entries I used to laugh at on my friends list.
I was ready to type "things aren't going very well right now".
Then, I was going to type "things are going great these days, job show etc etc etc".
Maybe I can find something in between to type.
Well, on paper, shit's going great. I have no legitimate worries. I have MANY illegitimate worries, like death. I guess that's a good sign, when a guy's biggest problem is his mortality, and whether or not he should continue eating pot brownies, and that he doesn't feel like working in the morning, and that his internet is being a cunt, and how he can't finish live without becoming famous.
I got the storm on the brain again. What is that? I just cursed out my own mother on mother's day for not getting over some jailbird from two years ago. Now I'm a jailbird with the same mental faults. Well, she is my mother, maybe I can credit her for these faults. Yes! Shift the blame.
It is beyond logic to the point that I cannot say things like "Things should've...", because how things are is how they should be. This is proper, obeying incompatibility.
I straight out lied when I texted her last month.
The best I can describe it is (well, on LO FIDELITY, but that shit's later) a feeling of missing her... figure? Well, I can't explain it. It's not lustful, and it's not a relationship thing either.
Back to the "Maybe I can find something in between to type."
Pretty soon I will have real problems in my life, I swear.
Work is going great. We "super maxxed" in all of the categories this first quarter, so we're getting a big bonus this month.
I am very excited for the Palm Pre.
Jim and I need to get an apt like back on Tropicana.
He's right on with his podcast rant at the end. I feel like if we were musicians or stand up comics Real Kid Radio would be considered a lot more important. We would be the Kid Cudi/Charles Hamilton/Wale/Asher Roth group.
Someday, most likely when radio dies, podcasting will be important. But what happens then is the hacks that killed radio immediately take control of podcasting, and the highest downloaded 'cast is a MORNING ZOOcast. All of the internet radio stations will all of a sudden be represented by numbers. "COMEDYPIPE 10007.5"
Or maybe all of the WHAR archives will become important too?
Scarecrow's Survival: Scarecrow, after entering the studio like a mumbling heroin addict, drops MULTIPLE bombshells at the start of the show. His personal life, at the absolute worst time possible, is changing greatly and rapidly. Bombshells aside- Can he remain in Vegas? Does he have a job?
Science Of Decapitation: Russian scientists in the 1940s removed a dog's head and mechanically kept it alive- reacting to light, sound, and touch. Does this refute the concept of a soul? Can we, as humans, grow to create a digital afterlife? See the accompanying video here.
"The Marine": Kevin, earning multiple new nicknames, challenges himself to the marine test that listener Mitch failed in real life. Also on this week;s We Hit & Run- Mitch's first appearance since the weeks of drama involving his name.
Tono Rondone!, Literary Douche!, Rick Ross!, The Boss!, Energy Drink Suicide!, Connie Culp!, Mitch!, Kib!, Point Shaving!, Shitty Philosophy!, "What Is Gonvernment?", Word!, What Is The Opposite Of Fish?, Binary Thought!, Introverted/Inverted Vaginas!, Animal Instinct vs. Intelligence!, Sexual Turn Off!, Mafia Music!, Three!, "What Is Time?", Ex Felon Job Help!
Listen to We Hit & Run LIVE every Saturday Night on Real Kid Radio!
BUT, it's fair. I understand. People have lives to live, and I am not a helper.
I'm working on a new series. I feel like We Hit & Run is going away. It's hard to say that I'm losing interest in it, because that is not the case. It's a "do whatever you want" format, it's impossible to lose interest in. But I want a "do this" format.
"The Low Fidelity Series."
I'm not sure how many chapters will exist, but it starts with "Chapter 1 - Alyce Packard", and ends with "Chapter (X) - Sara Taylor". It's not in chronological order, but there's something about the AP story that I feel will work perfectly for the first show.
I am really happy with the production thus far. I want this series to be the greatest thing I'll ever do. It has nothing to do with slandering the names involved, and the person who will suffer most from the storytelling is me (not because I hate reliving it- obviously- but because of my exposed nuances). The chapters will be shorter, maybe even 15-20 minutes each, and production heavy. I want it to be like a one man show meets audiobook meets radio.
I have a sense of urgency in life (as evidenced by the common theme in my recent entries). I don't want to write about it, just as I don't want to talk about it- because it creates an illusion of not thinking about it. I am consumed, saddened, and just want to sit down with everyone that has ever meant something to me. Ofcourse, these things are not possible, so I'll craft a web series instead.