We Hit & Run's debut on The Talk Of Las Vegas was doomed from the start. Production pieces were lost due to a studio's broken cd player, eff bombs were dropped by callers, and the producer was challenging the hosts to staring contests. Kevin and Anthony made the most of the experience, and the result is an episode of We Hit & Run that has already recruited new fans from radio's terrestrial world. A cluster bomb with the fallout of Real Kid Radio improv brilliance. Listen to Real Kid Radio every week on KLAV. Subscribe to We Hit & Run: Subscribe via iTunes. Subscribe without iTunes. Subscribe via Email. |
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Gimme Diction.
I am over-prepared for tonight's show. I haven't had a week off in 80 shows so after last week's clip show I feel like we could go until Monday.
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Friday, December 12, 2008
I found a reason.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
White Sex.
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Friday, November 28, 2008
I recorded my "Lollipop" for WHAR, and it's utterly ridiculous.
I'm down 40 lbs, but I feel the same... most of the time, anyway.
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I no longer live in a red state, maybe I'll stick around for a few more years.
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Monday, November 3, 2008
Listener art.
Vegas_702, a loyal RKR listener, dedicated her time and talent to this image:
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Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Excitable boy.
I went through the frustrating experience of driving through downtown Las Vegas, practicing what I learned in 28 weeks of anger management on my steering wheel and screaming >FUCK!< at every one way street I passed. I sped-walked three blocks while restating my one-word speech loudly on my cellphone. I foolishly ran up six flights of stairs(flirting for a few flights with a gorgeous woman who made the same stupid decision- before leaving her in my dust) before giving up to creep out a group of suited strangers by sucking the oxygen out of their elevator. I was fifteen minutes late.
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Scarecrow / Tbone / Anthony / Riggy.
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Studying is done.
McCartney in '69, Bowie in '72, Costello in '79. These men define cool.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"Kooks" by David Bowie was a very important song for me in 2007. It has a beautiful melody to match the lyric about his expected baby (Zowie Bowie, I assume). Some of the lines are borderline perfect, and the atmosphere of the song definitely reminds of the bedroom on Rainbow Blvd.
It's strange listening to Hunky Dory now, during the end of this legal process, when I haven't listened to it since the beginning of the legal process. It brings me back to the time when I was very angry and upset... yet, I don't feel that way anymore. It's a nostalgic, good feeling (I guess 'good' is the empty space where those old feelings once filled).
I'm putting together "The Road To The Victory Show", and I was definitly an angry lil' lad. The first hour isn't very nice. But it's important to remember when all of the statements were said, and the time that has passed since then.
Overall, I'm excited for this clip-show. It's the whole story, and it's got a good payoff, and even a hidden little bit at the end.
This Friday is the GED test, and next Thursday I return to court to replea my felony into a nonfelony. These are the days I've been waiting for and obsessing over for over a year. I wish Sha didn't almost spoil them.
"Kooks" was definitly a Rosemary song.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The cold weather gives everything around me a Christmas feeling. I haven't busted out my holiday album, "Imperial Bedroom" yet, but on the freezing breaks at work even Lil Wayne sounds Christmas themed.
Then I realized that I was first experiencing these songs last year at around this time.
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A nonentry.
I put in a transfer request at work, something I probably should've done a year ago. I work at a store that never hits its marks for bonuses and is constantly cutting corners (the nice way to phrase "firing people"). The other stores seem to be flourishing as our horribly run non-Supercenter is just raped by one GM after another.
My main problem with transferring is that it feels a lot like getting a new job. Especially since I'd be switching from overnight work to daytime customer service. I'm a social cripple, especially after working these shit hours for the last year. The benefit in sticking with the company (besides skipping the horrible job interview process) is that I have two weeks of vacation time coming in April.
I'm studying for the big test next week, awaiting my discharge letter, and hoping for the change in my work hours.
As far as We Hit & Run is concerned, I'm feeling very confident about our chances in the Howard contest (a lot of people will get a phone call if that works out), and I'm anticipating my new co-host moving out here after the next show. When I switch to daytime work, Jeff and I can begin work on The Coward Brothers as well.
Anyway, my life in a sentence.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Orgasms II.
I had sexual intercourse with a Suicide Girl t(o)
he other night.
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Labels: orgasms, suicide girls
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Social Lite.
I think it's time to give up on the overnight phase of my life. It made sense during the probationary period- earning the extra $1 an hour to pay restitution, working overnight to stay out of trouble- but I'm ready to move on from that and meet people.
I'm at the point where my skin has lost all of its color.
I'm ready to close what has been the darkest time of my life, so I suppose it's appropriate that I come back to the daytime. I miss everybody.
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Saturday, October 4, 2008
It's pathetic when the concept of sleep feels like such a relief. I took the pill four hours later than I should have.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Victory Show.
http://wehitandrun.info Or get yourself a free WHAR Subscription:
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Labels: daniel gron, rosemary, we hit and run
Monday, September 15, 2008
We Hit & Run - The Sha Chronicles, Volume 1.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"This is the light of the mind."
As I was going through trinkets and things to include in my package for Sharon, I stumbled upon my first hardcover "journal", a book from the end of 2006 that I thought was gone to me. I honestly forgot this thing existed, all I remembered were some of the more important drawings and of course the re-written works inked inside. There's Polaroids of her, the baby, and a lot of little ramblings that appear to have been written by a different person (even the ones by me).
I think I'll include some of the more pathetic parts at the bottom of this entry.
I've lost 12 pounds in the last 11 or so days- this time not through phoney depression or a form of starvation. I'm actually eating right and exercising. Though I can't see this being a permanent lifestyle change. I eat well for a while so that I can eat shitty for a longer while. I guess it's self-preservation, me and my Whoppers.
Sharon is coming to Vegas in October, I am really excited about it. She's very different than any of the girls I typically go for. She isn't a sad-ass.
"41327" (code for 04/13/2007 I assume)
And just like that I am back
at the house. Things are over with
an overwhelming exclamation point.
I do not miss her as of this word,
but I fear what time is going to
do to me. I'll forget how awful our
relationship was and the disdain with
which she treated me. I'l remember
"the beginning" and use her pregnancy
as an excuse for our recent
troubles (which actually add up to more
than half of our actual relationship).
I know this will happen, yet I
cannot avoid it.
Should I fight for my baby?
Will she swallow lysol?
Some questions read oddly while written.
I should save money & prepare for Rosemary.
Or atleast for "the battle of Rosemary."
- (signature)
I get excited at the thought of a new lover.
(shitty face drawing)
This stuff is silly to relive. But the line about "forgetting how awful everything was" has been in my head since I wrote that. Stuff like this is interesting to me, I probably wrote all of this shit knowing that it'd end up public. Without my handwriting, it's a little less embarrassing.
On the next page I have quotes from Chels, a checklist (Fix Bank Acct, Buy New Shoes, etc), and thoughts on my new (at the time) overnight shift.
I cleaned the entire room "yesterday" and set up the
bassinet pack n' play. Everything looks great.
That thing sat in the room for a while. There's some really pathetic quotes that will never see the light of day. I really had no idea of the true situation during that first month. I had no idea of any new relationships/engagements, the fact that I'd be in jail within' three weeks, or any of it. Considering all of this, it's even more interesting to see the information for obtaining my G.E.D outlined on the next page, and less interesting- a list of "careers".
"I can't touch this anymore."
I think that's the last thing I wrote. Earlier in the book is a "SAHD" page (Stay At Home Dad). It should just say "lazy prick". There's some phone numbers I might use for the show, an original Heroes drinking game, and a lot of letters to eachother.
Dear Kevin - you have just drawn on my postcard, very unartistically. Didnt your mother teach you not to draw on valuables, such as walls? I am supposing you make me laugh more than any other person, so I cant blame you for being so strange. You are drawing a photograph of (fatface) which is a horrible likeness to (some guy) sitting next to me. Lastnight you were so cute in your exhaustion. I want to see you like that everynight. Let us see, let us see. Love, your wife.
There's another entire page from 02/12/2007 called "Falserhood" which is very telling. Though I'll probably just save that, and post the sonnet that came of it.
Sonnet I.
How do I become a hat wearing man?
Can I buy an after market male head?
I've been dressed in a hood by a woman-
Now I help those in need to be spoonfed.
Trust and fun traded for daughter and son?
Happily! Even w/ hood over eyes.
For trust and fun will naturally come
as her and I grow- even growing blond.
Me comparing clowns to some old hat
is like comparing clowns to their balloons.
Though they all turn hair stand, standing, and stood
Only one can stay retired 'til noon.
We all know earthquakes do not create homes
Unless they have ten fingers and ten toes.
I still dig that, the iambic pentameter made that shit take a week.
Anyway, I figured I'd document this unexpected discovery. It still gives me a bit of a queasy feeling, but that's based on the legal garbage. That stuff always makes me nervous to think about.
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Labels: rosemary
Sunday, August 10, 2008
08/09/2008 - She Was Your Biggest Fan + Scarecrow Aftershow.
We Hit & Run - 08/09/2008 - She Was Your Biggest Fan.
Love Goes, The End: Sha makes what could be her final appearance on We Hit & Run. Drama ensues, erupts.
Foreskin Restoration: It is not the baby's choice when they get circumsized... now these babies are growing up and "fixing" themselves... with pictures... and videos...
Survival Instincts: The partial debut of We Hit & Run's conversational adventure. The scenario is presented, and the story evolves from there.
Disappearing Bees!, Shorty K!, Jim of Jim & Them!, Scarecrow!, Spam!, Demo Voting!, Albert Einstein!, Nudity!, Power Rangers!, We Hit & Run On The Cunts and Bitches!
call-in: (866) RKR SHIT
instant messenger: real kid radio
Or get yourself a free WHAR Subscription:
The first Scarecrow We Hit & Run after show has been recorded! Featuring an interview with Sha, a dropping of the 'N' bomb, and an appearance from Kevin! Tune in on Talk Shoe after We Hit & Run for the weekly Scarecrow After Show!
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
07/19/2008 - The Mile Run + Aftershow + Nudes.
We Hit & Run - 07/19/2008 - The Mile Run.
The State Of We Hit & Run: Having surpassed one year of broadcasting, Kevin and Anthony review the past and preview the feature- featuring input from the owner of Aero 97.1.
Mile Run: As an ode to high schoolers across America, and to kick off his training for the boxing showdown with CB Radio's Casey Andreen, Kevin Scampoli runs the Rocky mile.
Hardkore Jeff on You Tube / Kib's Nudity: By the end of this broadcast, Hardkore Jeff ill acquire a new stage-name and We Hit & Run will receive multiple pictures of nudity. How? Why?
Hardkore Jeff!, Vagina!, Kib!, California!, Sha!, Lil Zaro!, Brad Trammell!, Dunking Booth!, Jim of Jim & Them, Mary Bell!, Haro!, Elephant Tattoo!, Diet Anthony Green!, Pig Vocals!, Boxing!, Prizefighter!
Listen to We Hit & Run LIVE every Friday Night(10:30pm PST) on Real Kid Radio!
call-in: (866) RKR SHIT
instant messenger: real kid radio
Or get yourself a free WHAR Subscription:
We Hit & Run were urged to do an after show by the live listeners. As they were attempting to find a suitable topic, they were abruptly interrupted by an extremely wasted friend of the show.
Jim of Jim & Them proceeded to degrade a small child on the phone, belittle The Dark Knight, and rap some Jay Z.
NSFW: Here are the nudes from tonight's show.
Kib 1 | 2
Jeff 1
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm Waiting For My Man...
... was sung way better by Anthony.
I'm very proud of this first year introspective I made.
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I usually only update this when I feel down, in hopes of spreading the feeling to the small amount of people who still might read it.
However, right now, I feel very... different. I guess forgiving could be one of the words.
Over the last year I've gotten "unnaturally" into Lil Wayne ("unnaturally" defining the amount of interest for a white kid from Boston). My fear of the police relates to his hatred for the police.
I'm remembering why I loved Elvis Costello so much. Youtube is exploding with a lot of rare performances of the deeper tracks, and it's helping to return 'that' feeling to me.
I love that video, because it shows that he really hasn't changed at all. When I saw him in 2004, it was the same man. That song is called "I'm Not Angry", probably the simplest little 2-3 minute track he's ever done... yet in typical live EC fashion, he drags one line out to fit the length of the entire track. It's still his voice, of any album and year, that makes it.
Lil Wayne sampled an Elvis Costello song. Well, sampled a song EC covered- but its save to say that EC's version was the definitive recording. It is the most relevant song to this journal entry and the last year, but I'm not even gonna post it.
I dont feel comfortable putting anything in writing anymore. Well, atleast for the next few months. I'd much rather speak my way into trouble, as I'm more proud of my voice than I ever was of my writing. Though I still read the pieces in my "MYSPACE BLOG"(how awesome), and I wonder how those ever came out of me. I don't think I can write that anymore.
I'd rather be funny anyway.
Speaking of anyway, nobody got 3k out of me. It was pretty close, and I even hinted that they should take action for the rest of it. What an idiot I was. Will I ever know why they lied about that exchange? Told me outright one thing, then did the other. I never ran a 5k either.
I think I'm doing a mile run for the show. Why does that seem like a funny bit to me?
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Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
June, 2007
I am beginning to study for the GED, which means I had to dig out the old journal (which has essentially turned into a math book). I was reading through an old page that isnt dated, but is from around early to mid June of last year. I figured I'd transcribe, underlines + crossouts and all.
"The P(scribbled).
Talking to S--a brought me right back to April.
I'm not okay if she is around or calling. I'm not over it.
The only way she could possibly see me "being okay" is through the blog.
Pictures dont lie, the bday was great.
She's married, I'm still in legal shit - it is what it is.
I can't help her get over it - it's not fair that I be used for
that when I am still fucked up for it.
I'm lucky the judge even let me out.
I finally forcefed myself lastnight- the first time since hearing
the news.
I don't even know if I know the good wishes I send, I am
annoyed by them.
I will be over it if she makes these charges not happen.
If they tell her they can get me to pay her bills
so she goes through w/ it
or if I become a felon
it'll be unforgiveable.
How is this forgiveable?"
"I just caught myself day-dreaming
an awful fantasy
Is that what I want?"
"I was all in""
"I have the disaposable cam from the picnic night.
"Call the jail."
i form bonds
& build trust
with lifeless objects
over a bowl of flavored chex
'cool your spoon!'
i shout at chocolate town"
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Labels: storm
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Throwing Darts at Hardkore Jeff.
Kevin Scampoli and Anthony Saunders dart-jump Jeff into Real Kid Radio.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We Hit & Run debuts on the FM dial in five minutes.
New website!
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Thursday, May 1, 2008
How underground can Elvis Costello get when he releases a new album (during my damn vacation) and I don't know about it for two weeks?
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Storm Outs.
Kevin Scampoli and Anthony Saunders destroy the hopes of Anthony's brother, Anthony's ex, and Kevin's former co-host. The most dramatic moments in Real Kid Radio's history have been compiled together in one clip show.
We Hit & Run - 04/30/2008 - The Storm Outs.
Clips taken from:
Next Wednesday is a big-time We Hit & Run, as they debut in three new markets!
Support the show,
call-in: (866) RKR SHIT
instant messenger: real kid radio
Or get yourself a free WHAR Subscription:
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Labels: ads, dallas, real kid radio, sid, storm outs, we hit and run
Saturday, April 26, 2008
We Hit & Run - 04/25/2008 - Part 1 - The Magnificent Mic Molesters.
T A L E N T - We Hit & Run welcome the most talented artists in the world into the RKR studios and allow them to display their skill. Featuring the Magnificent Mic Molesters and the return of local God, Shorty K. Who wins?
ADS II - Anthony's brother makes his first in-studio appearance on We Hit & Run. This is as real as it gets.
We Hit & Run close their first five days of shows with magnificently talented guests, the fifth way to get arrested for domestic violence, and the announcement of who will be Anthony's next challenger for his drinking title.
Oh yeah, and the third crying storm out in WHAR history
We Hit & Run - 04/25/2008 - Part 2 - Real Brotherly Love (ADS II)
This is as real as it gets.
ADS II: Anthony's brother makes his first in-studio appearance on We Hit & Run. Famed for his inability to pull his life of the gutter, and for Anthony's hatred of him... Anthony's brother is forced to answer for his lack of a life worth living, or being a sibling to.
call-in: (866) RKR SHIT
instant messenger: real kid radio
Or get yourself a free WHAR Subscription:
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Saturday, April 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Studio cam...
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
We Hit & Run to interview Chris Difford of Squeeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Body Language.
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Labels: we hit and run
Sunday, March 2, 2008
We Hit & Run - 02/22/2008 - Real Life Isn't Funny.
We Hit & Run - 02/22/2008 - Real Life Isn't Funny.
- Hosted by Kevin Scampoli and Ricky LaCapria, this edition of We Hit & Run is your companion show. Kevin Scampoli and Anthony Saunders have been providing both the radio and internet with the world's most compelling radio for a longtime: here is a small, golden chunk of the Best Podcast Alive (tailored specifically to appeal to new listeners).
- Featured segments include: Crying Dallas, Crying Jake, Hit & Running Talk Shoe, Playing Doctor, Kevin's Homosexual Experience, Fast Food Addiction, and more!
- New material included, featuring Jake of Jim & Them and the new show intro that was missed on KLAV.
- Listen to Real Kid Radio every week on KLAV.
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Labels: we hit and run
Saturday, February 16, 2008
KLAV Debut.
02/15/2008 - KLAV Debut - I Hate This Place.
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Labels: klav, real kid radio, we hit and run
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Marmota Monax.
Friday night marks the debut of We Hit & Run on terrestrial radio. Bruce, the sales guy and nightly commander at KLAV went on for a half hour to Jake about how much he loves Real Kid Radio-

So, everybody, do not forget to call-in (I know a couple of pill-heads/dead-beat-dads out there who have had some things to say about me, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE), and if you're too timid to call-in then I encourage using the instant messenger (aim: real kid radio) to get your comments on the show. We're going to revisit and update on some old topics that I believe will go over well with listener feedback, so help us out!
My goal is to get Glenn Tilbrook on the next WHAR broadcast.
It is also worth mentioning the rapid increase of subscribers this week.
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
All You Need Is Love, 3.
KLAV instructed our producer to insert a live disclaimer before Real Kid Radio's debut show, stating that 'the views expressed in the following program do not represent those of KLAV'. Jim, Jake, Anthony, Casey, Brian and I immediately broke out in laughter, and I think it eased everyone's tensions before the start of the broadcast. The show itself was a decent kick-off. Jim & Them took the helm and did a great job. My voice made it's first live appearance!
Real Kid Radio's first KLAV broadcast.
The broadcast took place during the First Hour of First Friday, so the audience had to of been tiny. There were still a few calls, we'll have to see if there is a difference in the amount of interaction when CB Radio does their show this Friday night.
I received my first bit of good news in a while this morning (well, as pertains to the probation front), and besides that it hasn't been a good week. Little, almost meaningless events seem to have crudded up upon one another to create the lowest morale in Kevin Scampoli's head's recent memory. Whether it be doing the taxes (remembrances of certain dependents that I cannot claim), the result of the taxes, New England blowing the Super Bowl, the weekly class, work, money, even the show.
My head grades on scale. If work isn't going well, then the show suffers. Conversely, a great run of shows or having an extra bit of money can effect any other aspect of my life.
I always feel silly complaining in a blog about anything. It's the old story that somebody always has it worse. Even in the old entries, I wouldn't call any of those writings complaints. Just a chronicling of the bullshit.
As pertains to work- the job I cannot legally lose, I am on my last chance. If my name comes up in anything- a tardy, absence, argument- I'm gone. They know this, and they know how important the job is to me, and they have changed my days-off without notifying me. Everything from the radio show to my probation class is based upon having my old days off. I guess I'll just have to be a little tireder, if that's possible.
Also on the work front is a woman I am highly interested in. The woman is a Goddess I tell you. I actually talked about her on the show waaaay back in the first month or so. She's the only woman I could actually trust at this point without having to put another five months into the conversation. On top of that, she is adamant about taking any possible relationship slow, which is very new for me, and it's a damn good idea.
She's known the Rosemary story since my sentencing.
The end of this legal hell, though still far away, is visible. I'm in the middle of the hardest part of it right now. By the time this chapter is over, the restitution will be 90% paid, and I'll have nothing left to do but obtain my G.E.D.
In closing: The Giant Show is unbelievable. It has been my Scrubs, my Flight Of The Conchords, my Hideout, my Ron & Fez, whatever the fuck.
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Labels: klav, real kid radio, rosemary
Friday, February 1, 2008
Somebody help me to breathe.
"Real Kid Radio" can officially be seen under the KLAV 1230am program listing on their website. Jim & Them kicks off our on-air debut tonight at 7:00pm PST.
I'll be running the AOL Instant Messenger, so if anybody is too shy to call-in feel free to IM us at:
AIM : real kid radio
If anybody wants to call in, it's (866) 820 5528.
I just released a pretty disturbing clip from this Monday's We Hit & Run. Do not click that link if you have a soul.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
All You Need Is Love, 2.
I am very proud of myself, reading those old Rosemary Posts. For one, they are beautifully written. A majority of the words were created in response to some harsh shit*, and to create such coherent responses out of mental disarray is extraordinary. There are excerpts that still jump out at me, about wanting to go back to school and the desire to be a writer. Funny how it goes.
One post in particular may have had a particularly awful impact on my life- the one entitled "All You Need Is Love." I remember that entry being taken the wrong way, thus sparking a slew of slanderous responses and the halt to any civil communication. It was written during a time when negotiations may have still been possible. There is the possibility, I suppose, that it wasn't taken the wrong way, and the truth of the situation became unbearable for the reader- though I highly doubt that scenario.
See, during the time that I wrote that I was going through a lot of pain. That doesn't make the entry any more malicious or any less genuine. I did not write it to hurt anybody, and I still stand by every word. The point is, though, that during those Summer months I was the one feeling the paralyzing effects of the spotless-less mind, she wasn't... yet (*remember the 'harsh shit' reference?). She was still experiencing the honeymoon phase of her recent honeymoon, and something as feeble as what we went through hadn't hit... yet. A few months later that changed. It was too late, of course.
I tried to explain how I felt during the older conversations, and she tried to explain how she felt during the later conversations. They were the exact same pains and emotions for each of us, just on a delay for one of us. There were promises of trust made
Then I'm informed by an officer that a call was made claiming that an earlier call had been made- and any amount of remaining trust was left in the eternal sunshine.
There are still days (nights to you people) when the thoughts ache, though they're much rarer. I can say that this is being written during one of them, though it's the first of the month thus far- that I can recall, anyway.
There is a lot for me to be happy about, so that helps what was essentially a constant search for distractions. I think the happiness has won. I can look at everything as a means to what's to come. Sometimes I catch myself hating Las Vegas, wishing I had never moved out here. Then I remind myself that under those circumstances there would be no We Hit & Run, and I wouldn't know the people that I'll always remember as the best friends I've ever had.
To steal a phrase I would have never of otherwise used if not for moving out here:
I believe in We Hit & Run; Real Kid Radio.
Everything I've ever thought of doing- from singing to writing to even the retail shit I'm doing now- I've never believed I could accomplish anything from it. I believe I can accomplish this.
I want to major in English when I go back to school. I want to pursue the whole writing gimmick, and I want to master this language. Yet, I find myself censoring a large portion of the literary universe out of my mind.
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Labels: rosemary
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Real Kid A.M. Radio.
REAL KID RADIO signed the contract last night to broadcast live every week on 1230 AM: THE TALK OF LAS VEGAS. The show begins February 1, 2007, and will run from 7pm-8pm. More info coming on REAL KID RADIO DOT COM!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The greatest team and quarterback in NFL history.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Real Kid AM Radio.
Real Kid Radio signs the contract this Friday to be on the...
REAL radio!
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Monday, January 7, 2008
best podcast alive
We Hit & Run - 01/07/2007 - California.
Prank call Etiquette: Prank calling was once an art form- yes, back before people started calling them 'crank' calls. Kevin explains an awful call he received not too long ago, and then takes it upon himself to rectify the situation.
California Callers: Kevin Scampoli and Anthony Saunders take more than one call from two California females. WHAR go to extreme measures in order to satisfy you, the listener, with insatiable visuals. Will the greatest podcast in the world succeed?
Real Criminals: The debut of a new We Hit & Run segment. They kick it off with the anatomy of a serial killer, highlighting one murderer in particular.
Special Guest, Special Challenge: Brian Garcia of CB Radio comes into the studio, carrying with him a shocking proposal.
Fuck you job!, Battle of the sexes?!, Fish!, Ricky!, Tit Fuck!, "This is horrible radio!", The best podcast alive!
Listen live every week on Talk Shoe.
Subscribe via iTunes.
Subscribe without iTunes.
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