Monday, August 24, 2009


Chicago was fantastic. The greatest city I've ever been to, atleast at this point in my life. Obviously NYC is my destiny, but that is an impossibility for atleast the next 600,000 dollars.

Hannah's family and friends were all great. Her mother in particular is just adorable, the chemistry between her parents is interesting to watch.

I've noticed that my sense of humor and personality seem to fit in around Hannah. Where-as here, the same one liners would go stared at.

Returning to work was terrible.

White Castle was crap! I have to try some Krystal Burgers next- somebody has to of perfected this supposedly fool proof concept.

I got my first three tattoos while on vacation, honoring Kanye and Elvis C.
I'm determined to get an argyle print half-wristband on the top of my wrist.

Moving to Chicago woule be fantastic, but I don't know what I'd have to do to make the concept seem realistic. I think just succeeding at the long distance thing for a while is the best path.

If Mancow can succeed in Chicago, it's more than doable.

Maybe a radio demo will push through!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Watch a black man punch me.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I might be turning into a fan of fast food "angus" and "sirloin" burgers. They're adorable. They're little real burgers. A gourmet burger from a small town sophomore. I wish I could be a food elitest, the best meals I've ever had were at either an Olive Garden, Papa Ginos or TGI Fridays.

I'm going to Chicago a week from Tuesday. My first time being in a major market after learning whar a major market was. I just had a typo in that sentence, but decided to keep it.

It's frustratingly entertaining watching pre/post sportsgame interviews or press conferences. The coach or player has media training, as if the media wasn't helping them through the process by asking nonsense questions. The formula is anything to set up an answer about how young or experienced the team is (how much potential they've got or how much they've accomplished).

That's why the Patriots are the bad guys. They follow the same rules, but mock the system by converting fourth downs againsts teams they are blowing out. Tom Brady has the biggest smile on his face as he compliments every team they play, then looks completely pissed on the field and mercilessly embarrass them.

I can't wait for the season to start. Gambling, fantasy football, high definition sports, Madden, pizza and beer commercials. Sundays are the highlights of the week.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Get my hulahoop.


Make an honest effort to drive the speed limit.

If you don't give up within' a minute, then you'll be embraced by "rude passers" (small, aggressive bursts of speed just to make a point as they go by you) and possible beeping.

The "rude pass" is interesting to me, especially when it happens because you're driving the government's speed limit. They're attempting to get your attention (something a law breaker usually doesn't want) and also make you feel like the wrongdoer.

Last night's We Hit & Run was fantastic and fun. Had a great balance of drama, philosophy, personal history, and comedy. The new KEVBCUL featuring White Sex is going to cause music as we know it to collapse.

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