Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
07/19/2008 - The Mile Run + Aftershow + Nudes.
We Hit & Run - 07/19/2008 - The Mile Run.
The State Of We Hit & Run: Having surpassed one year of broadcasting, Kevin and Anthony review the past and preview the feature- featuring input from the owner of Aero 97.1.
Mile Run: As an ode to high schoolers across America, and to kick off his training for the boxing showdown with CB Radio's Casey Andreen, Kevin Scampoli runs the Rocky mile.
Hardkore Jeff on You Tube / Kib's Nudity: By the end of this broadcast, Hardkore Jeff ill acquire a new stage-name and We Hit & Run will receive multiple pictures of nudity. How? Why?
Hardkore Jeff!, Vagina!, Kib!, California!, Sha!, Lil Zaro!, Brad Trammell!, Dunking Booth!, Jim of Jim & Them, Mary Bell!, Haro!, Elephant Tattoo!, Diet Anthony Green!, Pig Vocals!, Boxing!, Prizefighter!
Listen to We Hit & Run LIVE every Friday Night(10:30pm PST) on Real Kid Radio!
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We Hit & Run were urged to do an after show by the live listeners. As they were attempting to find a suitable topic, they were abruptly interrupted by an extremely wasted friend of the show.
Jim of Jim & Them proceeded to degrade a small child on the phone, belittle The Dark Knight, and rap some Jay Z.
NSFW: Here are the nudes from tonight's show.
Kib 1 | 2
Jeff 1
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
I'm Waiting For My Man...
... was sung way better by Anthony.
I'm very proud of this first year introspective I made.
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I usually only update this when I feel down, in hopes of spreading the feeling to the small amount of people who still might read it.
However, right now, I feel very... different. I guess forgiving could be one of the words.
Over the last year I've gotten "unnaturally" into Lil Wayne ("unnaturally" defining the amount of interest for a white kid from Boston). My fear of the police relates to his hatred for the police.
I'm remembering why I loved Elvis Costello so much. Youtube is exploding with a lot of rare performances of the deeper tracks, and it's helping to return 'that' feeling to me.
I love that video, because it shows that he really hasn't changed at all. When I saw him in 2004, it was the same man. That song is called "I'm Not Angry", probably the simplest little 2-3 minute track he's ever done... yet in typical live EC fashion, he drags one line out to fit the length of the entire track. It's still his voice, of any album and year, that makes it.
Lil Wayne sampled an Elvis Costello song. Well, sampled a song EC covered- but its save to say that EC's version was the definitive recording. It is the most relevant song to this journal entry and the last year, but I'm not even gonna post it.
I dont feel comfortable putting anything in writing anymore. Well, atleast for the next few months. I'd much rather speak my way into trouble, as I'm more proud of my voice than I ever was of my writing. Though I still read the pieces in my "MYSPACE BLOG"(how awesome), and I wonder how those ever came out of me. I don't think I can write that anymore.
I'd rather be funny anyway.
Speaking of anyway, nobody got 3k out of me. It was pretty close, and I even hinted that they should take action for the rest of it. What an idiot I was. Will I ever know why they lied about that exchange? Told me outright one thing, then did the other. I never ran a 5k either.
I think I'm doing a mile run for the show. Why does that seem like a funny bit to me?
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