- Here to wipe the taste of war out of your mouth, left by the negative, argumentative We Hit & Run release this past week- Sid & Kevin present you with a brand new slab of comedy cut directly from next week's steak.
- Don't forget to check back this Wednesday, as the most important We Hit & Run of the Fall is released. There are two major announcements, as well as the long-awaited 60-IN-30 feat attempted by Anthony Saunders.
- http://wehitandrun.info
- http://www.myspace.com/realkidradio
- Subscribe via iTunes.
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Pyramid Schemist / First Radio BJs
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Real Kid Radio Community
We have it set up so that listeners of Real Kid Radio can interact with eachother and the respective shows during the recording sessions of each show.
The Process:
1.) Click here for REAL KID RADIO on Talk Shoe!
2.) Take note of the scheduled recordings.
3.) Arrive during said recordings.
4.) Listen, comment, call (using computer microphone or telephone), interact with the show and listeners.
5.) DIGG us.
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
There's a good chance that Ricky LaCapria, who is pound-for-pound the best friend I've ever had, will be coming to join us here on Chilly Pond.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Rosemary would be a day old, today!
Well, that's if my motherly intuition was a good estimator.
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Jim got in a car accident yesterday. He's okay, but the vehicle will most likely not survive. If were in the Cavalier, without the door/rear airbags, he could've been seriously injured. Two vehicles simultaneously smashed into him on the 215. The family will be down a car once again... but that seems more manageable this time around, considering I work overnights, and the third worker of the house isn't legally allowed to drive.
Tonight is our fantasy football draft, and then we're recording a super-sized We Hit & Run.
I realized I haven't really plugged this on here- so check out the Real Kid Radio Children's Show we recorded a couple of weeks ago. And yes, subscribe and all that our the site- http://wehitandrun.info.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
People have demanded that I write in Literary Slumber. There's not much to type, since I talk about everything on the show.
I have been nicknamed 'Superman' at work, and though I love being named after a Bowie song... I have begun a campaign to be called Master Chief.
We Hit & Run is going great, hitting a stride I would say. We surpassed 500 downloads, and finally got a couple of haters- which is the first step towards more lovers. Next has been playing our promos every week. It's a nice feeling to have one of your favorite radio shows support you.
As mentioned in the show, Storm has made a few attempts at contact. Well, I'm not going to risk carpal tunnel and type an explanation for not reciprocating them. Just read your own blog, and your mother's. All of the answers are there. No, you didn't ruin my life. You've simply exhausted your existence in it, and tormented a few months of it. A small percentage. You cannot say what you said, wrote what you wrote, and do what you did- then tell me it wasn't intentional, or that you care about or miss me. Enough blaming your mother, or her mother, or whomever or whatever you were going to shift the hate towards. Take responsibility. You've done awful things. Now you want to get over it... again? You are married, turn to your partner. I haven't even been sentenced yet and I'm receiving apologies.
That's all I will write on the subject. Though I guarantee it will not be all that I say on it.
Eh, now look, I don't feel like typing a blog entry anymore.
Remember this morning?:
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